Have Hope
He’d Do Anything for Me
Rare Unique Me
Michelle in the Press

About Me
Hello and welcome!
Thank you for visiting my website.
My name is Michelle Hopkins. I was born with a rare disease called MPS. There currently is no cure. I’m sharing my voice through music and advocacy to help raise awareness and support for MPS, ML, and all rare diseases so one day very soon there will be cures for us all.
A few years ago, I started writing songs with my friend, award-winning songwriter Kathryn Cloward. I’m so excited to share that my “Have Hope” music album is available everywhere! “Have Hope” includes encouraging songs about determination, courage, love, and hope. These songs mean a lot to me because they show what I have felt in my life. I want to encourage all people to find the bright side in every problem they face and my “Have Hope” songs are all about that.
I’m thankful for my family, who have always inspired me to be brave. I’m also thankful for you for being part of this journey. Together, we can do so much good—one person at a time, one song at a time.
I’m excited to share my “Have Hope” album with everyone. The album has eight songs about courage, determination, love, and hope. It is available on every digital music streaming site.
We Are Heroes
A Song Supporting Rare Disease Awareness
Filmed at the International MPS Symposium
What is MPS?
MPS is the shorter way of saying Mucopolysaccharidosis.
People who have MPS, like me, are living with a rare disease that doesn’t have a cure. Our body is missing or doesn’t have enough of an enzyme needed to break down long chains of sugar molecules — so these molecules build up and cause various health problems. There are treatments available that can help us live longer lives, including bone marrow transplants. When I was 20 months old and my brother Christopher was almost four, he provided me with his bone marrow. This is one of the reasons I call him my hero! Every person with a rare disease needs heroes to help us live full lives. That’s why I’m singing and speaking up to advocate for MPS, ML and the entire rare disease community. Advocacy saves lives!
Curing Rare Disease is Possible
My Mom’s TEDx Talk
For singing and speaking inquiries, please fill in the contact form below.